"Why Lie? I Need A Drink" On Late, Late TV
Why Lie? I Need A Drink will be on television all over the US at 2:30am, EST. Now obviously I'd have been stoked to get prime time because it would better help me afford my out of control espresso habit but I'm kind of tickled to be on in the wee hours.
When I was a kid my first experiences staying up really late and getting to know those amazing hours when everyone else was sleeping involved watching tons of really strange television with my older brother Edward.
Did you know there were Blondie and Dagwood movies based on the comic strip? Did you know that Charlie Chan movies rule! From vintage movies and tv shows long forgotten, to strange indie films, to music shows that ran seemingly all night and introduced me to bands, new and old, that I wasn't hearing on the radio, I fell in love with late night/early morning TV. Edward taught me how to cook a hot dog on a fork over the stove quick enough to get it done durring the commerical breaks. The secret was in not worrying about burning it. Hot dogs taste good burnt.This in turn taught me about heart burn and also fork burns. I learned the joy of sleep deprivation and I fell in love with night. It was far too good to sleep through any more. There was a whole world of bizarre culture that wasn't being shoved down my throat but was instead slightly hidden on the other side of bed time waiting for me to find it.
I'm now part of that culture. I hope some kid sees my movie and it blows his mind a little. Most likely though there'll probably just be a lot of "Shit, they sure are gay out there in California." Oh well.
Here's a list of the cities that are guaranteed to play my film. If your city's not on the list they still might run it. To find out or to get channel information, check your local listings.
Saturday Nov. 13th at 2:30am EST:
Cedar Rapids KWWF
Cheyenne KQCK
Dallas KHPK
Denver KQCK
Eugene KTVC
Hartford & New Haven WRNT - LP, WESA - LP
Johnstown-Altoona-St Colge WBY
Joplin-Pittsburg KSPJ-LP
Las Vegas KEGS
Lexington TV10
Little Rock-Pine Bluff KKYK
Montgomery-Selma WKNI-LP
Orlando-Daytona Bch-Melbrn WSCF-LP
Salisbury WRDE-LP
Salt Lake City KCBU
Seattle KHCV
Spokane KQUP
Syracuse WNDR
Wichita-Hutchinson Plus KCTU-LP
Stations That will most likely pick it up:
Bangor WBGR-LP
Baton Rouge WBTR-CA
Biloxi-Gulfport WKFK-LP
Bluefield-Beckley-Oak Hill WVVA & DT
Fresno-Visalia KGMC
Louisville WVHF-CA
Memphis WBII-CA
Miami-Ft. Lauderdale WCJ / WCQ
Odessa-Midland KOSA DT2
Raleigh-Durham (Fayetvlle) WAUG-LP, WARZ-LP
Roanoke-Lynchburg WDRL
Spokane KIDQ
Sioux City KTIV-DT
I've always loved those Blondie and Dagwood movies. They were not strange. How rude of you to even imply that!?!?!
7:42 AM
Terrible movie. Please don't waste your money or time. This guy doesn't have a clue!
4:16 PM
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