How much do panhandlers really make? Can you possibly make a living at this? How much of a difference does a funny sign make? Will people give to a guy in a banana suit? Does every sign have to say "God Bless?" Important questions. I aim to find the answers. Give me a dollar. God Bless.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Santa Panhandles Tomorrow

Yep. At my usual spot on 16th and W, unless someone's already there. We'll see. I'll start around 1pm. Should be a good day. Maybe we'll hit closer to the mall. If I change the location I'll post it here. For now though, them donate buttons are starting to rust. Come on internet community! You're looking mighty shabbby. Gimme two dollars, save the world wide webs tarnished reputation. God Bless.


Saturday, December 03, 2005

Santa Clause Panhandling

What would Santa's sign say. I know you all will come up with some great ideas. Remember to give me your name and or website address so I can link you if I use your suggestion, and everyone who makes a comment will recieve an autographed picture if they supply an address. The picture can be of me panhandling as a banana, or of my colon (photos taken durring my first colonoscopy), You're choice.

Of course printing and postage aint cheap. I have to buy the 19 year old at Kinkos a six pack in exchange for free printing. Can you help out with a little donation? God Bless.


Also, buy dumb crap
Several folks requested overpriced crap. Here it is. Now stop shopping and just give me two freakin' bucks! Damn. God bless.